Wednesday, August 6, 2008

11:17 pm – Goodbye. Again.


My life’s journey has once more begun.

Anchor reeled in, boat once again facing the oncoming waves head on.

Another island is set to be discovered... one that the mind can only imagine.

Embarking on a new voyage risks trading safety for peril,

comfort for pain, apparent happiness for grief.

But remaining anchored does little good to me as well.

My spirit feels trapped, my soul feels chained.

I have to fight back the avoidance of the possible pain.

I may be hurt, I may be wounded, but not having ventured on might spell the end of me.

At present, I am surfing the waves. Observing the tides and determining the opportune time.

Once an opening comes, and my mind tells me it's right...I will let go, and go.

Paddle like mad and strike through the wall--

Not caring if I drown or if by some misfortune I fall.

If I fall, I will swim, I will kick with all my strength,

If I can’t go on, I will float, I may be weak

But I know by some force I will still be strong enough to reach the next shore--

--which, for the moment,

exists only in my dreams.

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