Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cooking Mama

by Kaye

Aside from Guitar Hero, the other game I like playing on the Wii is Cooking Mama. The name says it all – it’s a cooking game! You pick a dish then Cooking Mama tells you what to do (slice that, put this in a pan, stir that).

I like playing Cooking Mama because it lets me live out my fantasy that I can cook like a pro. Or even that I can cook.

You got it.

I can’t really cook. I can bake, but baking is easy because it’s a precise science. Cooking though, is something else. I have yet to fully try it. Apart from those Food Tech classes I had at BIS, I have not cooked a dish on my own since.

So lately, I have been poring over recipes trying to decide which dish I’ll try cooking on my own for the first time. I don’t know where to start. I know that if I follow a recipe, I can definitely cook a dish. But I keep getting distracted. I’m preoccupied with fervently hoping that whatever it is won’t burn to a crisp, or even burn the house down. Most of all, I keep hoping that whatever it is ends up edible. Yeah, I’m distracted by stuff I shouldn’t even be thinking about yet. I haven’t even picked a recipe.


How I’d love to have a real-life Cooking Mama to stand beside me and tell me what to do step by little step. To tell me the step in between the steps, even. I also know though, that I’m going to have to do this on my own.

So sometime this week (or month), I am taking a deep breath and I’m going to the kitchen and release that inner Cooking Mama in me.

Good God, I hope she’s there.

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